Whew...the past couple of weeks have been a doozy govna's! Christmas, company, Granny moving in, starting back to work, getting sick AND taking care of my favorite little person have left this blogstress with zero time to update the ol' blogerroo.
Hudson's first Christmas was fantastic! Granny arrived with Uncle Chris who stayed with us for the week. Chris gave Hudson his first Teddy Bear, a little Jedi bear appropriately enough. Granny gave him/us a Baby Bullet that we will use to make homemade baby food for our bubble blowing Ewok...so perfect!

On Christmas morning Hudson got to meet his Papa Bob and his Great-Grandma, Nana who came for breakfast with his Nana Nina. Nina sent Hudson his first baby blue Santa hat and stocking...super cute!

After breakfast Hudson "opened" his gifts and snoozed with Sammy and Daddy on the couch before picking up our spokane-cousin, Alex who joined us for dinner and Pictionary. It was exactly this time last year that we decided to start trying for a family...how lucky we felt this year to have him
and all our family here sharing his first Christmas!

Herbie is now over three months old...what a difference a month has made! His latest accomplishments include rolling over from his tummy to his back, grabbing, sticking his fist and fingers in his mouth, holding his head up, and sitting in his bumbo chair. He goes
crazy for bath time, laughs at Granny's raspberries, prefers his fingers to his binky, and loves to look at himself in his play-station mirror.

I miss spending all day, every day with him
like the dickens now that I am back at work! I
bawled my first full day back and considered turning the car around a half mile from home...had it not been for the fact that he was with Granny I would have called in my 2 week notice immediately! When you go from spending every minute of every day with your babe to being away for 9 hours a day you ask yourself, "what firsts am I going to miss?", "will he remember me when I get home?", "will he love me less?" and "is it worth it?" Plus you just feel so
naked without your little bundle in tow! I spent a solid week wishing I hadn't promised to come back after the holidays...but everyone said it would get easier...and it has. When I am at work, I know my baby is having the best time playing and snuggling with his Granny...she makes him smile so hard and it's obvious how happy he is to be with her. I know all three of us are feeling
pretty lucky to have her here!
Handsome 2 month old!