1. Baby H! Christmas just isn't the same without chillins! Even Alex, a self proclaimed Scrooge said, "I'm actually excited for Christmas this year!" Well, well, well Mister Brady...SO AM I! Even though H is way too little to open any presents this year, we can't wait to carry on our favorite family traditions and start a few of our own.
2. I'm done with school, which means I won't be locked in the CAD lab drafting 'til 3 am while everyone else in the non-interior-design-school-world is decking the halls and singing carols over eggnog.
3. I'm on maternity leave for the entire holiday season! What, what!!!!! That makes this my first Christmas to not work retail in 5 years! And though I have plenty to keep me busy, I'm hoping this will be the first year I will actually have time to do a little Christmas crafting.
This year I'm dreaming of a grey Christmas...with lots of bright accent colors. I'm a novice crafter...so the crafts I'm tackling will be simple, modern, and (hopefully) inexpensive!

In non-pre-Thanksgiving-Christmas-decor related news, little man and I made our first trip together to Target today...let me tell you, it was the FASTEST I've ever made it out of that place in my LIFE! Luckily Target at 10am hosts a plethora of stay at home mommies with screaming children. As Hudson began crying in the children's clothing department I felt rushed, and yet so at ease...I think we'll be back soon.
H officially reached the 1 month mark yesterday! He also officially gave this thankful mama a huge break by ending a 4 day growth spurt in which he ate 5 ounces every 2 hours and fussed every hour in between. We're now back to more manageable-sized bottles of 3-4 ounces with 3 hour naps in between. I never thought I'd be so psyched to get 3 solid hours of sleep...I'd feel like Rip Van Winkle if I slept a solid 8 nowadays.
One month later I still feel like I'm "getting to know" our new family member, but I'm starting to anticipate H's needs and I'm better able to decode his signals...I now know the difference between his "I'm hungry", "I'm tired", "I want to be held" cries & anticipate the fanatical "Oh, Hell NAH!" cry I'm sure to hear if I'm slow to respond. H is absolutely hilarious when he is trying to poop...maybe I'm just easily amused, but the intensity on his face kills me every time! He also makes me smile huge whenever he smiles...I can make him smile about 25% of the time if I say "muah" and kiss his lips...he opens his mouth wide afterward and really seems to like it. He even smiled last night for daddy for the first time...Alex was thrilled.
I'll end this ever thrilling post with a pic of daddy, one month old H, and Bender-Bend chillin' in Hudson's favorite room of the house...truly he is visibly more calm and happy in his room than anywhere else!
H officially reached the 1 month mark yesterday! He also officially gave this thankful mama a huge break by ending a 4 day growth spurt in which he ate 5 ounces every 2 hours and fussed every hour in between. We're now back to more manageable-sized bottles of 3-4 ounces with 3 hour naps in between. I never thought I'd be so psyched to get 3 solid hours of sleep...I'd feel like Rip Van Winkle if I slept a solid 8 nowadays.
One month later I still feel like I'm "getting to know" our new family member, but I'm starting to anticipate H's needs and I'm better able to decode his signals...I now know the difference between his "I'm hungry", "I'm tired", "I want to be held" cries & anticipate the fanatical "Oh, Hell NAH!" cry I'm sure to hear if I'm slow to respond. H is absolutely hilarious when he is trying to poop...maybe I'm just easily amused, but the intensity on his face kills me every time! He also makes me smile huge whenever he smiles...I can make him smile about 25% of the time if I say "muah" and kiss his lips...he opens his mouth wide afterward and really seems to like it. He even smiled last night for daddy for the first time...Alex was thrilled.
I'll end this ever thrilling post with a pic of daddy, one month old H, and Bender-Bend chillin' in Hudson's favorite room of the house...truly he is visibly more calm and happy in his room than anywhere else!

OMG I am dreaming of Christmas as well <3
You are a girl after my own heart with the gray Christmas :) Happy 1 month, Herbie! <3