Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Melancholy Madness

First there was Myspace music, then Project Playlist, then Pandora, now Spotify. I had twenty eight playlists on P.P. and the majority of these were pretty darn 100% emo, I even titled one "eviscerate"! Oh goodness, I don't know why but I am so naturally drawn to melancholy music that I have to restrict myself from listening to it too much! Luckily I tend to only listen to pretty upbeat/fun music when I have the babe in tow. I did however find a new band to add to my "melancholy madness" playlist...if you like somber folk music you're gonna go crazy-gaga over Low Roar. My personal faves? Friends Make Garbage (Good Friends Take It Out) and Patience.

Seriously, I would not suggest listening to it whilst depressed! I only listen to it after the baby goes to sleep, because like Patrick Watson, Nick Drake, or Radiohead, it's the kind that can break your heart & bring you to tears if you're on the verge (which I am luckily far from these days). 

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